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Anton Rothkögel with his family
Anton Rothkögel with his family
Anton Rothkögel with his family. The central character with the mustache is the owner of the "Anton Rothkögel Hotel-Restaurant", which operated in the Communal Palace and later in the building across the street (today's "Tea Room"), on whose floor this photo was also taken.
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Cyclists, in Moldovița
1935, Moldovița
Cyclists, in Moldovița
In front of the communal palace
1963, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Transylvania Road area, in front of the Communal Palace
Corul Armonia
1911, Cernăuți
Corul Armonia în "Epaminonda Beizadea" - Cernăuți, iunie 1911
Traditional house
1968, Brodina
Country house in Brodina
Sala de operații a Spitalului Orășenesc
1931, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Intervenție chirurgicală, în sala de operații a Spitalului.
Montarea statuii "Dragoș Vodă și zimbrul"
1978, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Sub zeci de priviri curioase, ucenicii maestrului Ion Jalea asamblează [...]