Plan your visit
Whether you are passing through and you only have half an hour free to visit, or you want to relax for an entire afternoon with your family, at MAL we make sure you have a pleasant experience.
Whether you are passing through and you only have half an hour free to visit, or you want to relax for an entire afternoon with your family, at MAL we make sure you have a pleasant experience.
Tuesday-Sunday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Last entry: 4:30 PM
Monday - closed
2025 RATES
16 lei - adults
8 lei - retirees
4 lei - pupils and students
free - preschoolers
45 lei - guided tour (subject to staff availability)
We accept card payments
Group Visits:
For the best experience when visiting the Museum and booking a guided tour, group coordinators are kindly asked to announce their arrival at least 24 hours in advance. Due to the layout of the Museum’s gallery spaces, we recommend a maximum of 20 people per group.
Persons with Disabilities:
Visitors with motor disabilities have access to a ramp at the main entrance, a wheelchair lift ramp, and an adapted restroom.
Inaugurated on June 1, 2022, the New Permanent Exhibition MAL invites you to explore the fascinating story of the relationship between humans and the forest in Bucovina, showcased across 12 rooms on the first floor of the Museum!
This exhibition aims to immerse visitors in the mythical and symbolic world of the magical universe created by the fir tree. More details available here.
Renowned for his images that capture the spectacle of sky and earth, time and seasons, with a unique lyricism and a delicate, evocative artistic language, Ovidiu Ștefeligă invites you to his first personal exhibition!
Over fifty works will be displayed on the walls of the Attic—an homage to his muse, Bukovina. More details available here.
Exhibition Period: November 28 - January 12
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