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Câmpulung - Rarău 1653 mtr. Pietrele Doamnei
Câmpulung - Bucovina
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Traditional attire
Young hut in holiday costume, summer, in Moldovița (Hojda)
New Year's customs in Câmpulung
1946, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
New Year's customs in Câmpulung - 1946
Traditional attire
Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Traditional attire
Gruss aus Kimpolung - Herrengasse
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Salutări din Câmpulung - Aleea (strada) domnilor (domnească)
The ethnic groups from Bucovina - Lipovans
The ethnic groups from Bucovina - Lipovans
Ethnic groups from Bucovina - Ruthenians
Ethnic groups from Bucovina - Ruthenians