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The Apprentice Home
The Apprentice's Home, next to Boguș's mill
"Apprentice Home." The building still exists today, largely unmodified, at the intersection of George Coșbuc and Mărțișorului streets (side from Hotel Cosmos)
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Pojorâta la 1895
1895, Pojorâta
Fotografie foarte veche din Pojorâta, zona actualei gări feroviare.
Tourists on Rarău
1949, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Tourists on Rarău
Cabana Rarău, iarna.
1942, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
"Spre culmi". Drumul către cabana Rarău.
Deia stream
Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Deia stream
The boarding school on Runc
1941, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
The boarding school on Runc
The castle from Poiana Ițcanilor
Valea Putnei
The castle from Poiana Ițcanilor