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Check-point Chiril - Raliul Bucovinei 1986
Check-point Chiril - Raliul Bucovinei 1986
Check-point Chiril - Raliul Bucovinei 1986
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Vila Klika - Pojorâta
1906, Pojorâta
Vila Klika - Pojorâta
Salutări din Bucovina - Pietrele Doamnei
1909, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Editura Leon König, Cernăuți.
Old huts
Old huts
Academic Society Committee "România Jună"
1907, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Committee of the Academic Society "Romania Jună" from Vienna, 1907-190 [...]
The bell tower of the wooden church from Brodina
The bell tower of the wooden church from Brodina
Casa de cultură
1973, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
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