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The bell tower of the wooden church from Brodina
The bell tower of the wooden church from Brodina
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Capu-Satului school
1941, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Capu-Satului school
Peasant house from Bucovina
1906, București
Peasant house from Bucovina, exhibited at the General Jubilee Exhibiti [...]
The consecration of the Poiana Sihăstriei Cross
Câmpulung Moldovenesc
The consecration of the Poiana Sihăstriei Cross from Câmpulungul Bucov [...]
The Church of the Assumption, before being moved to Rădăuți
Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Church of the Assumption in Câmpulung, before being moved to Rădăuți
Sala de operații a Spitalului Orășenesc
1931, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Intervenție chirurgicală, în sala de operații a Spitalului.
Voroneț Monastery
Gura Humorului
Voroneț Monastery