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Colibă de vânătoare, la Stulpicani
Colibă de vânătoare, la Stulpicani (Stulpikany)
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Pojorâta lime furnace
1960, Pojorâta
Pojorâta lime furnace
Ion Lăcătuș
1914, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Farmer from Câmpulungea, wearing a watch (a rarity at that time).
Montana Shoe Factory Site
1976, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Montana Shoe Factory Site
Krapfel Guesthouse, in Pojorâta
1900, Pojorâta
Pension Krapfel, under Adam and Eve
Former Câmpulung City Hall
1890, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Former Câmpulung City Hall, long before 1900
Painter Prof. Eugen Maximovici
Painter Prof. Eugen Maximovici, arranger of her group "ROMANIANS" at t [...]