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Women twisting yarn and sewing
Women twisting yarn and sewing
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Voroneț Monastery
Gura Humorului
Voroneț Monastery
Plută, pe hait
1963, Carlibaba
Plută, la lansare
Adalbert Weczera Pool
Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Adalbert Weczera Pool
Gruss aus der Bukowina - Valeputna
1898, Valea Putnei
Salutări din Bucovina - Valea Putnei
The iconostasis of the church from Pojorâta
The iconostasis of the church from Pojorâta. Sculptor: Ion Pâșlea, pai [...]
The furnace from Fundu-Moldovei
1914, Fundu-Moldovei
Pyrite processing plant at the Fundu-Moldovei blast furnace