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The Apprentice Home
The Apprentice's Home, next to Boguș's mill
"Apprentice Home." The building still exists today, largely unmodified, at the intersection of George Coșbuc and Mărțișorului streets (side from Hotel Cosmos)
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Vedere din Câmpulung
1910, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Vila Aurite
Peasant installations
1968, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
The gift wheel of Vasile Nemțan - Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Câmpulung - Hauptstrasse (Strada principală)
1900, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Câmpulung - Strada principală (Zona Bibliotecii municipale)
Chernivtsi - Metropolitan Residence
1925, Cernăuți
Chernivtsi - Metropolitan Residence
On the shores of Moldova
1929, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
On the shores of Moldova
The ruins of the Moldovița Monastery
Vatra Moldoviței
The ruins of the Moldovița Monastery