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Câmpulung County Delegation in Vienna - 1908
Câmpulung County Delegation to the Great Exhibition on the Occasion of the Jubilee of Emperor Franz Josef (1848-1908) - Vienna, 1908
Count Franz Bellegarde - prefect, together with the Câmpulung County delegation at the great exhibition in Vienna on the occasion of the jubilee of Emperor Franz Josef (1848-1908)
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Moara lui Boguș
1918, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Moara lui Leon Boguș (situată pe Gârla Morii în zona complexului Cosmo [...]
Gara Dorna Watra
1910, Vatra Dornei
Gara Vatra Dornei (Gara Mare), la început de secol XX.
Villa on Griviței Street
1941, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Villa on Griviței Street. It still exists today.
Inauguration of Rarău Chalet
1928, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Inauguration of the "Metropolitan Repta Vladimir" Shelter
Bodega lui Schieber
1920, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Bodega lui Schieber, în interior. Magazin modern la vremea lui.
"Dragoș-Vodă" High School Choir
1927, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
"Dragoș-Vodă" High School Choir, composed in May 1927