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The Câmpulung county delegation, which intervened with the Government to maintain the county.
The Câmpulung county delegation, which intervened with the Government to maintain the county.
A) Standing, from left to right:
1. Nistor Andronicescu, mayor and senator, Fundu-Moldovei
2.Alexandru Moroșan, teacher, Câmpulung
3.Ioan Anghel, Deputy Mayor, Câmpulung
4.C. Leontieș, county prefect, Gura Humorului
5.IG Toma, deputy of Câmpulung
6.Dr. N. Carabioschi, Senator of Humor
7.Gheorghe Bojescu, merchant, Vatra Dornei
8. Adolf Kreisel, merchant, Câmpulung
9. Karl Hafner, craftsman, Câmpulung
10. Mihai Balabasciuc, mayor, Moldovita
B) Second, on your knees:
11. Grigori Grămadă, farmer, Dorna-Candrenilor
12. Vasile Flocea, mayor, Pojorata
13. Vasile Alboi-Șandru, communal councilor, Câmpulung
14. Ilie Ursu, mayor, Dorna-Candrenilor
15.Ichim Țăran, mayor, Ciocănești
16.Gheorghe Cotlarciuc, mayor, Vatra Moldoviței
17. * * *, mayor, Valea Suhei
18. * Crefelean, primar, Frumosu
C) Third row, sitting:
19. Ștefan Corlățan, farmer and councilor, Pojorâta
20. Leonti Andronicescu, farmer and councilor, Fundu-Moldovei
21. Vasile Coca-Mercheș, farmer and councilor, Sadova
22. Gavril Francu, farmer and councilor, Fundu-Moldovei
23.Gheorghe Mihalea, mayor, Slătioara
24.I. Boboc, farmer, Dorna-Arini
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Traditional attire
1908, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
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Câmpulung Moldovenesc
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