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Drum pe Deia
Gruss aus Kimpolung - Weg zur Dea / Salutare din Campolung - (Drum pe Deia)
Intrarea pe Kaiseralee, în zona primului baraj de pe Pârâul Deia (Clubul Copiilor)
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Traditional home
1970, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Traditional home
Two peasants under Rarău
Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Two peasants under Rarău
George V. Ichim
Câmpulung Moldovenesc
George V. Ichim
School of Arts and Crafts
1910, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
School of Arts and Crafts, before the Great War
Roman Boianciuc
1975, Reghin
Roman Boianciuc, probably the greatest luthier in Romania, in 1975. Ph [...]
Ethnic groups from Bucovina - Hungarians
Ethnic groups from Bucovina - Hungarians