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Gruss aus Kimpolung - Herrengasse
Salutări din Câmpulung - Aleea (strada) domnilor (domnească)
Zona Școlii gimnaziale "Teodor Ștefanelli"
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Villa on Griviței Street
1941, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Villa on Griviței Street. It still exists today.
Traditional attire
1968, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Traditional attire
Princely Castle from Poiana Itcani
Valea Putnei
The Princely Castle from Poiana Ițcani - Pojorâta
Colibă de vânătoare, la Stulpicani
1900, Stulpicani
Colibă de vânătoare, la Stulpicani (Stulpikany)
Metropolitan Nectarie Cotlarciuc
Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Nectarie Cotlarciuc Metropolitan of Bukovina (1875-1937)
The wooden cart in the old museum
1965, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
The famous wooden cart, in the old headquarters of the Museum, in Tran [...]