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"Dragoș-Vodă" High School, before the Second World War
"Dragoș-Vodă" High School, before the Second World War. Agfa Ultra Special photo card.
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Peasant installations
1968, Chiril
Waterfall installation at the Chiril-Crucea saw
The wooden church from Brodina
The wooden church from Brodina
Sorocovsky Villa and Runc Hill
1900, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Sorocovsky Villa (Sworakowski, in other descriptions) and Runc Hill
Sala de operații a Spitalului Orășenesc
1931, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Intervenție chirurgicală, în sala de operații a Spitalului.
The consecration of the Poiana Sihăstriei Cross
Câmpulung Moldovenesc
The consecration of the Poiana Sihăstriei Cross from Câmpulungul Bucov [...]