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Militari, la început de război.
Herman, Hecht, Hoffman, Medorus, Păcuraru, Klein.
Herman, Hecht, Hoffman, Medorus, Păcuraru, Klein.
Zur erinnerung an die waffenübung (În amintirea exercițiilor militare). Oktober 1913, Câmpulung Est, Bukowina.
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Bistrița Valley, at the Dorna scaffolding
1960, Vatra Dornei
Bistrița Valley, at the Dorna scaffolding
May 10, 1930 in Câmpulung
1930, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
May 10, 1930 in Câmpulung at the Administrative Palace, today MAL
The Church of the Assumption, before being moved to Rădăuți
Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Church of the Assumption in Câmpulung, before being moved to Rădăuți
Familia Bărbânță - Izvorul Alb
1924, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Familia Bărbânță - Izvorul Alb (zona Piatra Buhii)
Shepherd on Rarău
1968, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Shepherds on Rarău. In the back - Rarău Hermitage
Queen Mary
Queen Mary