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Pietrile Doamnei la Rarău
Salutări din Câmpulung - Pietrile Doamnei la Rarău
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At the Bucuroaiei Fountain
1973, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
At the Bucuroaiei Fountain, in 1973
Fundu-Moldovei - Școala Poporală
1937, Fundu-Moldovei
Azi, modernizată, Școala Gimnazială "Dimitrie Gusti" Nr.1
The center of Câmpulung, at the beginning of the war
1940, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
The center of Câmpulung, at the beginning of the war
"Metropolitan Silvestru" Printing House
1933, Cernăuți
"Mitropolit Silvestru" printing house, owned by the Society for Cultur [...]
Hunters from Câmpulung
Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Hunters from Câmpulung in the years before the First World War
Krapfel Guesthouse, in Pojorâta
1900, Pojorâta
Pension Krapfel, under Adam and Eve