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Pojorâta - Vedre generală
Vedere generală cu gara, biserica și școala.
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Traditional house
Perforated balcony from Moldova-Sulita
Țapinari (forest workers), at work
1950, Fundu-Moldovei
Țapinari (forest workers), at work
Villa Aurite
1941, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Villa Aurite
May 10, 1929
1929, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Annual King's Day Parade - May 10, 1929
Dry hay in Brodina
Dry hay in Brodina
Sorocovsky Villa and Runc Hill
1900, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Sorocovsky Villa (Sworakowski, in other descriptions) and Runc Hill