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Pojorâta - Biserica evanghelică
Pojorâta - Biserica evanghelică. Azi, pe "drumul vechi"
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The National Bank area, after the big fire
1980, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
National Bank area, after the big fire and before the construction of [...]
1972, Valea Putnei
Iacobeni. Drumul Spre Cârlibaba, mai jos de Băile Puciosul
1927, Iacobeni
Iacobeni. Drumul Spre Cârlibaba, alături de Bistrița Aurie.
People in traditional attire
Câmpulung Moldovenesc
People in traditional attire
Crate - table
Crate - table
The castle from Poiana Ițcani
Valea Putnei
Poiana Ițcani Castle - dining room