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The portrait of Simion Francu
The portrait of Simion Francu from Fundu-Moldovei
The portrait of Simion Francu from Fundu-Moldovei, executed by the painter Haralambie Mercheș. The original is in Bistrita, at the painter's sister.
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Traditional attire
Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Traditional attire
Vasile, Grigore and Ion Hopincă
1915, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Vasile, Grigore and Ion Hopincă, at the photographer
IAR tractors
IAR tractors
Gara Valea Putnei
1908, Valea Putnei
Gara Valeputna (Valea Putnei), la începutul secolului trecut
Șantierul liceului "Dragoș Vodă"
1912, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Liceul "Dragoș Vodă" la roșu, în 1912.
Professor Ion Maftei
1982, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Professor Ion Maftei, at the launch of the famous chess game, in the s [...]