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Pregătire paramilitară
Antrenamente paramilitare în zona abatorului orășenesc.
Pregătire paramilitară în zona abatorului orășenesc (târgul de vite).
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Hotel Com(m)unal
1920, Iacobeni
Hotelul Comunal. la parter: Ospătărie.
Branch of the National Bank of Romania, before the Second World War
Câmpulung Moldovenesc
The building of the local branch of the National Bank of Romania - twi [...]
The popular rhapsodist Ilie Cazac
1971, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
The popular rhapsodist Ilie Cazac (or Cazacu, as the people from Elect [...]
Ethnic groups from Bucovina - Roma
Ethnic groups from Bucovina - Roma
Group in traditional attire
Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Group in traditional attire
Traditional attire
1968, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Traditional attire