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Rhapsodist Mihai Lăcătâș
Rhapsody Mihai Lăcătâș (or Lăcătușu, as the people from Electrecord told him)
The rhapsodist Mihai Lăcătâș (or Lăcătușu, as the people from Electrecord told him), with the students, at the entrance to the didactic exhibition "The wood that sings"
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Intervenție chirurgicală în sala de operații.
1933, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Intervenție chirurgicală în sala de operații a Spitalului Orășenesc.
Montarea statuii "Dragoș Vodă și zimbrul"
1978, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
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Drum pe Deia
1906, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
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Anton Rothkögel with his family
1915, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Anton Rothkögel with his family
Traditional attire
1968, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Traditional attire
Gara Frasin
1898, Frasin
Gara Frasin (Frassin), la 1898