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Salutări din Bucovina - Pietrele Doamnei
Editura Leon König, Cernăuți.
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Traditional home
1970, Colacu
Traditional home
Căuș (Căuc) - Hunedoara region
Jubilee of the 41st Chernivtsi Infantry Regiment
1915, Cernăuți
Jubilee of the 41st Chernivtsi Infantry Regiment
Main Street (23 August)
1960, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Main Street (23 August)
Bistrița dam
1920, Vatra Dornei
Vatra Dornei - Bistrița Dam
Markt in Kimpolung
1911, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Markt in Kimpolung. Gruss aus Kimpolung. / Salutări din Câmpulung.