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Greetings from Gura Humorului
Gura Humorului Greetings - Overview
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Voroneț Monastery, in 1938
1938, Gura Humorului
Voroneț Monastery, in 1938
Suceava in 1906
1906, Suceava
Suceava in 1906
Cyclists, in Moldovița
1935, Moldovița
Cyclists, in Moldovița
Calea Transilvaniei 73
1941, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Calea Transilvaniei 73
Communal town hall
1898, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Communal City Hall (new)
Traditional house
1968, Ciocănești
Traditional house - Scoruș - Ciocănești forest canton