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Scridon Moroșan, morar la moara lui Boguș
Morarul de la moara lui Leon Boguș, Scridon Moroșan
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Țapinari (forest workers), at work
1950, Fundu-Moldovei
Țapinari (forest workers), at work
Castelanul, în dormitorul regal
1943, Valea Putnei
Dumitru Baciu, castelan, în dormitorul regal al castelului regal din P [...]
The ethnic groups from Bucovina - Swabians
The ethnic groups from Bucovina - Swabians
Franz Josef I on the battlefield
Franz Josef I on the battlefield
Traditional house
1968, Moldova-Sulița
Traditional house from Moldova-Sulita
Jubilee of the 41st Chernivtsi Infantry Regiment
1915, Cernăuți
Jubilee of the 41st Chernivtsi Infantry Regiment