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Sculpture by I. Gheorghiță
Sculpture by I. Gheorghiță
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Wooden crucifix
1968, Botuș
Wooden crucifix from Botuș village, Fundu-Moldovei commune
Church pew
Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Church pew
The museum, over time
Câmpulung Moldovenesc
The museum, over time
Profesorul Grațian Jucan
1973, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Distinsul profesor Grațian Jucan, dascălul multor generații de liceeni [...]
Santa Ion, the bagpiper from Frasin
Santa Ion, the bagpiper from Frasin
The ethnic groups from Bucovina - Swabians
The ethnic groups from Bucovina - Swabians