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Tourists on Muncel
Tourists on Muncel, in September 1934
Tourists on Muncel, in September 1934. At the bottom right, at a closer look, you can see the basket of the lime kiln from Pojorâta.
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Gara Valea Putnei
1908, Valea Putnei
Gara Valeputna (Valea Putnei), la începutul secolului trecut
Sofia Vicoveanca
1976, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
The lady of Bucovina folklore, Sofia Vicoveanca
The popular rhapsodist Ilie Cazac
1971, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
The popular rhapsodist Ilie Cazac (or Cazacu, as the people from Elect [...]
Gara Dorna Watra
1910, Vatra Dornei
Gara Vatra Dornei (Gara Mare), la început de secol XX.
Montarea statuii "Dragoș Vodă și zimbrul"
1978, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Sub zeci de priviri curioase, ucenicii maestrului Ion Jalea asamblează [...]
Old oven
Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Old oven