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Tourists on Rarău
Tourists on Rarău
Tourists on Rarău, in front of the chalet, in 1949, together with the chalet owner Victor Heckl Cocoreanu
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Marking the routes in Rarău
1974, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Marking the routes in Rarău
Intrarea fetelor
1909, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Intrarea fetelor (se observă inscripția copile - mädchen) în școala ca [...]
Colonelul August Spiess, lângă cerbul-trofeu.
1938, Valea Putnei
După o vânătoare în codrii Bucovinei, colonelul August Spiess, Maestru [...]
Gara Frasin
1898, Frasin
Gara Frasin (Frassin), la 1898
School of Arts and Crafts
1910, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
School of Arts and Crafts, before the Great War
George V. Ichim
Câmpulung Moldovenesc
George V. Ichim