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Check-point Chiril - Raliul Bucovinei 1986
1986, Chiril
Check-point Chiril - Raliul Bucovinei 1986
Krapfel Guesthouse, in Pojorâta
1900, Pojorâta
Pension Krapfel, under Adam and Eve
Nicky Baciu, călare pe iapa regelui
1942, Valea Putnei
Pe peluza din fața castelului regal din Poiana Ițcani, castelanul Dumi [...]
School of Arts and Crafts
1941, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
School of Arts and Crafts, at the beginning of the war
Communal town hall
1898, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Communal City Hall (new)
George V. Ichim
Câmpulung Moldovenesc
George V. Ichim