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Victor Heckl Cocoreanu, cabin owner on Rarău
Victor Heckl Cocoreanu, cabin owner on Rarău
Victor Heckl Cocoreanu, cabin owner on Rarău, twice, between 1935 and 1958, with a history of cabin owner in the Great Tatras. Farmer of a species almost extinct today: mountain man, skilful skier, daring climber, cook, big heart. The elders of Câmpulung remember the hot tea pot, always full, made available free of charge for hikers!
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Sala de operații a Spitalului Orășenesc
1931, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Intervenție chirurgicală, în sala de operații a Spitalului.
Lemnari la lucru
1960, Stulpicani
Muncitori la Fabrica de cherestea Frasin
Malanca - New Year folk custom
Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Malanca - New Year folk custom
Nicu Rusu, notar de Sadova
1935, Sadova
Nicu Rusu, notar al circumscripției Sadova, județul Câmpulung.
Ethnic groups from Bucovina - Jews
Ethnic groups from Bucovina - Jews
Șantierul liceului "Dragoș Vodă"
1912, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Liceul "Dragoș Vodă", la roșu, în 1912