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Villa Criclevici
Villa Criclevici, in front of the "St. Nicholas" church
Villa Criclevici, in front of the "St. Nicholas" church. Today, the property of the Romanian Post
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Pojorâta la 1895
1895, Pojorâta
Fotografie foarte veche din Pojorâta, zona actualei gări feroviare.
Ilie Cazac, with the disciples
1973, Fundu-Moldovei
Rhapsody Ilie Cazac, with the disciples in the whistle
Bucătăria de la demisolul Spitalului Orășenesc
1934, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Bucătăria de la demisolul clădirii principale a spitalului.
Old house in Câmpulung
1963, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Old (and new) house fam. Tomoiagă, str. Badea Cârțan no. 9
Anton Rothkögel with his family
1915, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Anton Rothkögel with his family
Calea Transilvaniei 73
1941, Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Calea Transilvaniei 73